2015 East Central Minnesota TZD Workshop
The third annual East Central Minnesota TZD workshop was held June 2, 2015, in Baxter. The workshop helps facilitate the program's goal of creating a collaborative, comprehensive, and regional approach to reducing traffic deaths and severe injuries.
Workshop Presentations
Welcome & Regional Accomplishments (3.70 MB PDF)
- Dan Anderson, District Engineer, MnDOT District 3 and TZD Regional Co-Chair
- Tom Nixon, East Central Minnesota Regional TZD Coordinator
- Kristine Hernandez, Statewide TZD Coordinator
Traffic Safety Culture (801 KB PDF)
- Kristine Hernandez, Statewide TZD Coordinator
Regional TZD Crash Facts Overview (1.18 MB PDF)
- Captain Sean Meagher, State Patrol, District 2800 and TZD regional co-chair
- Tom Dumont, MnDOT Traffic Engineer
Senior Driver Panel (478 KB PDF)
- Dean Loidolt, Central MN Council on Aging
- Brad Estochen, MnDOT OTST
- Lisa Kons, Minnesota Safety Council
Solving the Mysteries of Ignition Interlock (2.65 MB PDF)
- Jim Beauregard, Ignition Interlock Vendor Oversight Liaison & retired Morris Chief of Police