Minnesota TZD saves lives by bringing together:

Education, Enforcement, Emergency Services, Engineering, and More!



Giving drivers the knowledge they need to avoid hazardous driving practices and choose responsible behavior.



Ensuring compliance with traffic laws to change driver behavior and reduce unsafe driving practices.

Emergency Services

Emergency Services

Providing fast, efficient emergency medical and trauma services to reduce fatalities and serious injuries whenever a crash does occur.



Changing the roadway — including traffic signals, signage, and the roadside — to make safety easier.

Courts & Legislation

Courts & Legislation

Shaping and supporting laws that promote safer driving practices and prohibit dangerous ones.


Minnesota Traffic Fatalities

TZD Goal: 300 by 2020

2020 YTD: 305

2019 YTD: 282

2019 Total: 364*

MN Traffic Fatalities

Register for the 2020 Minnesota TZD Webinar Series

Registration is now available for the 2020 Minnesota TZD Webinar Series, which will kick off on Tuesday, October 20, and continue through mid-November. See the series web page for details and to sign up for the webinars that interest you!

TZD apparel now available

Help spread the traffic safety message with TZD-branded clothing items available for sale in our online store.