News items link to external sources and may become out-of-date. These stories were accurate at time of publication.
FOX 21 Local News, January 23, 2020
Pedestrian Right of Way: Not Always Clear
Duluth News Tribune, October 3, 2019
TZD is an initiative and stands for "Towards Zero Deaths." Minnesota’s TZD program was launched in 2003 by the Minnesota departments of public safety, transportation and health in hopes of reducing traffic fatalities on Minnesota roads
The Free Press (Mankato), October 23, 2018
Traffic fatalities have been cut nearly in half since the Toward Zero Deaths initiative was founded 15 years ago. But state law enforcement and transportation officials leaders said Tuesday they are going to need to be more creative to make Minnesota's roads even safer.
KSTP-5 TV News, October 11, 2018
The University of Minnesota and the City of St. Paul are teaming up to try to change drivers' behaviors. The St. Paul Police Department has been working on the study at eight treated intersections since May.