The passage of traffic safety legislation in Minnesota plays a major role in supporting TZD efforts. Past accomplishments include the expanded use of ignition interlock for DWI, passage of the primary seat belt and booster seat laws, and implementation of graduated driver's licensing.
Minnesota's judicial system supports TZD program efforts by upholding and following through on citations.
A Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP) facilitates a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to the prosecution of impaired driving and other traffic crimes. TSRPs are generally current or former prosecutors who provide training, education, and technical support to traffic crime prosecutors and law enforcement agencies throughout their state.
In 2007, the TSRP position was created in Minnesota to improve traffic safety by improving criminal prosecution. The position is funded through a grant from the Federal Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and represents a national effort by NHTSA.
A DWI (Driving While Impaired) Court is dedicated to changing the behavior of alcohol and other drug dependent offenders arrested for driving while impaired. The goal of DWI Court is to protect public safety by using the drug court model to address the root cause of impaired driving, alcohol and other drug problems, with the repeat offender as its primary target population.