
conference session

Selected resources for Minnesota and national traffic safety statistics


2014 Zero Traffic Fatality Counties (PDF)

This map illustrates the 13 Minnesota counties with no traffic fatalities in 2014.

25 Deadliest Counties for Impaired Driving

  • Hennepin
  • Anoka
  • Ramsey
  • St. Louis
  • Dakota
  • Stearns
  • Otter Tail
  • Olmsted
  • Itasca
  • Scott
  • Washington
  • Wright
  • Crow Wing
  • Beltrami
  • Benton
  • Cass
  • Blue Earth
  • Meeker
  • Sherburne
  • Becker
  • Mille Lacs
  • Clay
  • Morrison
  • Carlton
  • Pine

Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts

Annual publication by the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety researchers. This detailed report presents facts about crashes in Minnesota, including alcohol use, seat belt use, motorcycles, trucks, pedestrians, bicycles, school buses and trains.

Minnesota Motor Vehicle Impaired Driving Facts (PDF)

Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook 2015 (PDF)

Minnesota Department of Transportation
Summarizes key facts and characteristics of traffic safety on Minnesota's roads and highways.

Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool

Developed by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board and MnDOT State Aid, the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) is a software program that helps traffic safety professionals easily map and analyze crash data. Users can select a county or counties for analysis and then narrow the focus by selecting crashes in a specific area. Up to 32 different driver and crash data filters can then be used to analyze various types of crash scenarios. By specifying certain crash attributes, users can analyze crash data and produce maps with plotted crash locations, charts, and automated crash reports based on the crash attributes selected.

The MnCMAT software contains 10 years’ worth of detailed crash data on all roads for all 87 counties in Minnesota, making the software useful in identifying crash trends. MnCMAT will continue to be improved to make it even more user-friendly, and a web-based application is being explored to provide greater access and functionality.

Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)

The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) contains data on a census of fatal traffic crashes within the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) Project

The CODES Project is a collaborative effort among the Minnesota Departments of Health, Public Safety, and Transportation with the Minnesota Hospital Association and Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board.

The purpose of the project is to provide linked crash and hospital-injury data in aggregate form in order to identify countermeasures that have the most impact on improving highway safety and to document hospitalization charges resulting from motor vehicle crashes.

MN Injury Data Access System (MIDAS)

Contains injury and violence data for Minnesotans, by specific city or county, and by specific types of injury and/or demographic characteristics.


Vital Signs: Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014
A report providing statistics that show the impact of motor vehicle crashes.

A visually innovative tool that maps out roadway fatalities across the nation... and in your community.

State Traffic Safety Information (STSI)

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Map-based method of accessing data on traffic safety for each state. Contains data from most recent year available.

State Data Program

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
The State Data Program (SDP) supports NHTSA's efforts to identify traffic safety problems, help develop and implement vehicle and driver countermeasures, evaluate motor vehicle standards, and to study crash avoidance issues, crashworthiness issues, and regulations.

FARS Encyclopedia

Summarizes nationwide fatal crash information

WISQARS ™ (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)

An interactive database system that provides customized reports of injury-related data from the national Center of Health Statistics (NCHS) and the violent death data from NCIPC's National Violent Death Reporting System.

NCSA Customer Automated Tracking System (CATS): Publications, Documentation & Manuals

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
CATS contains NCSA publications such as Traffic Safety Fact Sheets, FARS/GES Reports, Research Notes and Crash*Stats, Technical Reports, Annual Assessments, and Documentation and Manuals for FARS, GES, and NASS-CDS. Customers may also request customized data at this site.

2010 Traffic Safety Culture Index (PDF)

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 2010
This report provides an overview of the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and experiences of the American public regarding traffic safety.

Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC), 3rd Edition

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Governors Highway Safety Association, 2008
Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) is a voluntary guideline that helps states collect consistent, reliable crash data. The data are used for identifying traffic safety problems, establishing goals and performance measures, monitoring the progress of programs, and allocating resources for enforcement, engineering and education.