2010 Toward Zero Deaths Conference

October 25-26, 2010
Crowne Plaza St. Paul

Conference Materials

Conference Presentations

Presentations are posted for those sessions for which presenters granted permission.

Welcome and Opening Remarks

A Future Without Impaired Driving

Societal attitudes toward impaired driving have changed in the past 30 years. The progressive movement in our traffic safety culture is largely a result of diverse stakeholders consistently conveying impaired driving as unacceptable. This opening session featured a family’s loss of a loved one to an impaired driver, and also acknowledged the dedicated disciplines working together to ensure fewer families experience this needless tragedy. Our keynote address will provide a future vision of how the nation could best incorporate proven strategies coupled with cutting-edge technology to put an end to these tragic crashes for Minnesota’s next generation.

Driver Distraction: How Big a Safety Problem? What’s the Solution?

There is mounting evidence about the prevalence and risks of driver distraction. Some states have responded by banning handheld phone use, and many more states have banned texting while driving. Do overall crash trends reflect the apparent danger from drivers’ phone use? Do handheld phone bans reduce drivers’ handheld phone use and crashes? This presentation summarized the latest research on driver distraction and what can be done about it.

Commercial Vehicle Enforcement and Crash Reporting 101

This session focused on the basics, as well as some intermediate concepts, related to commercial vehicle enforcement and commercial vehicle crash reporting. The emphasis was on what every officer can do to enforce laws related to commercial vehicles.

What’s New with Breath Testing?

Minnesota will encounter two new types of instruments that will test your alcohol concentration level in the coming year. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension will be rolling out implementation of new breath testing instruments, and the use of ignition interlock will be greatly expanded. This session demonstrated the new breath testing instruments and explained how ignition interlock will be used with administrative license sanctions.

How Do We Get to Zero Deaths on Minnesota Roads?

How do we get to zero fatalities on Minnesota’s roads? This session discussed the most common causes of fatal crashes, how road safety plans are helping reduce the number of fatal crashes, and medical outcomes of crashes.

Working with Local Government: Case Studies of Social Host and Server Training Ordinances

Underage alcohol use poses important public health and public safety risks. Adopting local policies, such as social host and other alcohol-related ordinances, can be an effective strategy to deter underage drinking or legal drinker overconsumption in your community. This session explained these ordinances and showed how some communities overcame obstacles and achieved success in passing them.

Minnesota Statewide Trauma System Development: Time for RTAC

As Regional Trauma Advisory Councils (RTACs) develop, what role do they play in helping to reduce the number of traffic crashes on our rural highways? How can they effectively help reduce traffic deaths and injuries? This session answered these questions.

School Bus Transportation – What Everyone Needs to Know

This addressed school bus transportation issues as they relate to the preschool population, children with special needs, as well as state and national laws. Attendees learned about school bus safety standards, proper bus restraint use, correct use of securing wheelchair devices, and emergency evacuation. Resources and hands-on opportunities will be available.

The E’s of Speed

Law enforcement cites illegal or unsafe speed as a factor in many fatal crashes. Scofflaws routinely ignore speed limits. Our expert panel discussed the science of speed from behind the wheel to the ER.

Seatbelt Enforcement Day and Night: The “How To” for Agencies of All Sizes

Now that seatbelt violations are a primary offense, officers need to re-examine how they are conducting enforcement to help increase motorists’ belt compliance. This session provided tips and tactics for effective enforcement including metro and out-state perspectives. Presenters offered creative and realistic options for strengthening your department’s seatbelt enforcement efforts.

Emerging Issues Affecting Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety

This session explored new and emerging practices which will promote safer roadway environments for bicyclists and pedestrians. It highlighted the use of Complete Streets as a planning and design practice for developing safe transportation networks for all users of Minnesota’s roadways. MnDOT’s experience with the High-intensity Activated crossWalk (HAWK) signal in St. Cloud was discussed, as were increased statewide efforts for promoting bicycle and pedestrian safety.

Heightened Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic (HEAT) Program Updates

This session focused on recent efforts of the HEAT Program, a statewide enforcement and education program that aims to reduce aggressive traffic-related fatal and severe injury crashes on Minnesota’s roadways.

A Safer Way Home: Safe Ride Programs in Minnesota

This workshop built on information contained in the recent publication, A Safer Way Home: The Minnesota Safe Ride Guide, and helped communities through the process of starting and growing a safe ride program. Panelists discussed efforts to create new alternative transportation programs in two counties, as well as what’s next for an established Minnesota safe ride program.

HCMC Trauma Crash Case Study

Following a motor vehicle crash, the medical care provided within the first hour, known as the Golden Hour in trauma care, is often the most critical for a child’s survival. This session explored several pediatric crash-related case studies. Participants learned valuable information about restraints used and mechanisms of the crash provided to the trauma team by first responders, EMS, and law enforcement that help expedite the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening injuries.

How to Grow a CPS Program on a Budget

Don’ t have a large budget? No problem! A CPS program is still possible. This session taught participants where to find free CPS resources, including free online CEU sessions, and how to get involved with the health insurance programs that distribute free seats.

TZD 101: Myths and Mythbusters

Are you an expert in traffic safety? Do you think you know all there is to know about TZD?This session tested participants' knowledge against the best and brightest in the traffic safety world. We quizzed the audience and our expert panel to separate myth from fact.

Safe and Sober Program

The session was a forum for grantees to make suggestions for future program improvements, to discuss barriers and successes, and for general open discussion of the program. We also discussed the changes to the Toward Zero Deaths Challenge Program and how to participate.

Age and Driving Behavior: What Can We Do About It?

This session provided a look at both the adolescent and aging brain and how the aging process affects driving behavior. We heard from law enforcement about what they see on the road and saw how one technology is available to help observe and report on vulnerable drivers.

Rural ITS Safety

This session provided an update on ITS safety solutions that have been depoloyed on rural roadways to improve intersection and curve safety.

Energy Drinks, Teens, and Driving

Energy drinks have become an epidemic in our society, especially with the teenage population. This session took a comprehensive look at how these beverages affect behavior and impair driving.

Toward Zero Deaths: The National Effort

Nearly 40,000 Americans lose their lives every year on our nation’s roadways. Minnesota has been a leader in the TZD effort – but can more be done on a national level? A panel discussed recent efforts to reduce fatalities and serious injuries across the nation. Panelists gave their perspectives, including discussions on the opportunities and challenges involved in coordinating this large of an effort.

Meet the Child Safety Seats Manufacturers: Part 1

Visitors checked out the latest and greatest in child car seats, met with the manufacturers, and spent hands-on time with the new seats. Additional manufacturers were showcased in session 26

Traffic Law Jeopardy

Visitors tested their knowledge on little-known, obscure, and strange questions about traffic laws in Minnesota. This session was an interactive format that engaged the audience.

Signs, Signals, and Pavement Markings

This session explored some of the innovative ways that signs, signals, and pavement markings are contributing to making highways safer. Visitors learned about flashing yellow arrows, red-light running confirmation lights, wet reflective pavement markings, and much more.

Cops in Court: DWI Mock Trial

Mock trials are an effective tool for providing law enforcement and prosecutors with experience in case presentation and obtaining feedback and guidance for improving trial performance. This interactive workshop allowed law enforcement and prosecutors to observe and comment on the presentation of testimony in a DWI case.

What Will it Take to Get Minnesota Youth to Buckle Up?

This session discussed the development of programs that are effective in changing behavior for young people. Fox 9 News reporter Trish Van Pilsum discussed her findings from interviews conducted with teens and the public in Pine City. Ms. Van Pilsum then facilitated discussion between panel members on potential policies that could increase traffic safety.

Excited Delirium – Is It a Head Injury or Something Else?

Law enforcement officers and EMS personnel are seeing more and more cases of out-of-control motoring suspects who are uncooperative and unable to be detained. Have they suffered a head injury or is there more going on than we realize?

Meet the Child Safety Seats Manufacturers: Part 2

Visitors checked out the latest and greatest in child car seats, met with the manufacturers, and spent hands-on time with the new seats. This was a continuation of session 20.

Reducing Distracted Driving: Lessons Learned from Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles

Operators of commercial motor vehicles face even more potential distractions when driving because their vehicle often doubles as their office. Routing directions, delivery instructions, and traffic information are crucial to make timely and accurate deliveries, but can compete for the driver’s attention. Visitors learned how trucking firms have used training, emerging technology, and company policies to reduce distractions in the truck cab.

What’s New In DWI Enforcement, Implied Consent, and BAC Analysis?

This session focused on what’s new with DWI enforcement. Additionally, the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office discussed issues surrounding implied consent case law, and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension answered questions about the Intoxilyzer, blood, and urine tests.

Should I Cut the Cable?

Not sure whether or not to cut the cable median barrier? Unclear why MnDOT installs cable so close to the shoulder anyway? Our panel answered questions and provided an update on the lives that have been saved by cable median barrier.

TZD Safe Roads Grantee Session

Information was provided regarding invoicing and reporting. Time was also dedicated to resource sharing.

Seatbelt Compliance: Education, Enforcement, Engineering, and Collaboration

What will it take to get high school students to wear their seatbelts? This session detailed a program that has been successful in northern Minnesota. The results – 100 percent seat belt compliance after the program’s completion.

Political Dimensions of Traffic Safety

What political considerations are involved in traffic safety laws and legislation? How does law enforcement work within these considerations to keep our roads safe? This interactive session helped answer these questions and more.

  • Lee Munnich, Center for Excellence in Rural Safety, University of Minnesota

Child Safety Seats: A Regions Hospital Case Study

The trauma team at Regions Hospital in St. Paul presented a case study on the benefit of using child safety seats and seat belts. During this session several crash-related case studies that involve children were presented. Participants learned how to use the information to educate children, caregivers, and legislators about the value of restraining children correctly.

North Memorial Hospital Trauma Crash Case Study

This session provided an insider’s view to the care of critically injured victims of motor vehicle crashes. This amazing case presentation from North Memorial took the audience from the initial findings of first responders all the way through to discharge and rehabilitation. This multidisciplinary presentation also touched a human reality perspective that is often missing in sensational TV shows.