The TZD program team has identified several major focus areas to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities. A combination of strategies from different focus areas is often most effective for solving a particular problem.
Changing driver behavior is the focus of traffic safety education efforts. It is not enough for drivers to understand the "rules of the road." Drivers must be motivated to change their driving habits.
The goal of the Toward Zero Deaths program is to reduce not just crashes, but total road injuries and fatalities. That means that when a crash does occur, fast, efficient, and coordinated emergency response is critical.
Ensuring compliance with traffic laws is a major component in changing driver behavior and reducing unsafe driving practices.
Modifying or reconstructing roadways can be challenging and time consuming. Careful evaluation of road characteristics is the key to a solid investment in public safety.
The passage of traffic safety legislation in Minnesota plays a major role in supporting TZD efforts. Once laws are in place, the judicial system supports TZD by upholding and carrying through on citations.